Rabu, 30 Maret 2011

I want to have boyfriend god!

I want to have boyfriend god! I want a boyfriend: (. but when do I have? should I wait, for boyfriend came to me: (
I do not want to have an uncertain mengunggu god! I have boyfriend who really want attention, good, handsome, tall: (I want that! ahhhhh, when when when?

I envy my friends at my friend who had boyfriend. they cool themselves in school. wrote what had been courting all: (I envy "(

if I have to wait every second? minutes? hours? day? months? years? century!

I do not want: (ahhh! damn!

I I I, I could not: (hold it! no no!
I want to revert to the first: (a frequent concern to me, who often wake me, who often gave me words I LOVE YOU: (he, she had gone with another girl: (she might have forgotten me: (

my motto: do not just have 1 star! but is there any that will be loyal to the moon? till the moon never shine again? is there?
I'm looking for the figure of the man: (
hopefully, sooner or later he will come to me:))
I can wait:)

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